Feves au lard


 Feves au lard Recipe

Feves au lard Recipe

Feves au lard Recipe Ingrédients

  1. 1 quart (4 tasses) of blanched or navy haricots secs
  2. Trempage fragrance
  3. 1 litre (7 tasses) chilled water, about (pour la cuisson)
  4. 3 émincés oignons
  5. 250 g (1/2 pound) salted fat, uncut and chopped into lardons
  6. 3 Italian tomatoes, cut into cubes
  7. 5 bacon slices, cut into lardons
  8. 250 ml (1 tasse) (1 tasse) de la ketchup
  9. 125 mL (half a teaspoon) de la mélasse
  10. cassonade 60 ml (1/4 tasse)
  11. 30 mL (2 cups soupe) balsamic vinegar
  12. 5 mL (1 cup tea) dry moutarde
  13. 5 ml (1 c. à thé) de sel
  14. Poivre

Feves au lard Recipe Préparation

  • Put the haricots in a large bowl. Close the tiède jar and leave it to rest for a night at room temperature. Add water as needed to ensure that the haricots are always well covered. Rinse and drain.
  • Put the grill in the center of the oven. Preheat the oven to 120°C (250°F).
  • Mix all of the ingredients in a large casserole or a cocotte with a capacity of approximately 4.5 litres (18 tasses). Poivrer.
  • Pour in enough cold water to cover the haricots mixture to a depth of 5 cm (2 po). Carry ébullition.
  • Remove the fire. Couvrir et cuire au four for about 7 hours, stirring every hour, until the haricots are tender. Add water as needed during the cooking process.


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